Spring Art Flow

The sun is out again! The air is fresh, and I’m having fun working on little art projects just before I take off for New York City.

My brother Mali turned 13 a few weeks ago…

Ramayana masks for the Bhaktivedanta Manor nursery

The kids had fun taking pictures with these Rama and Sita figures at the Bhaktivedanta Manor Gurukula spring fair.

I did mehndi for a bride and her bridesmaids the other night. I haven’t done it for ages and it was really nice to have an excuse to get into it again. The smell of henna paste evokes so many teenage memories, practicing on my sister’s hands.

I spent a good few hours today painting a mural on my friend’s wall as a birthday present, and repainting a friend’s deity of Narasimha. Creating art can be so rejuvenating – a wonderful meditation.


Filed under Art, Music and Dance, Photos

9 responses to “Spring Art Flow

  1. Shari Reilly

    Wow… what a beautiful job you did with the henna. You’re lucky to be talented in both art and writing.

  2. dharma

    Happy to be reading your blogposts after some time again!

    Hare Krishna 🙂

  3. Nicely done cake.Have a nice trip to New York!
    Hari bol!

  4. sabjimata

    Such a talented woman! Everything looks gawwwwjus!

  5. sabjimata

    Jahnavi, I keep coming back to this post. I am sure so many people give you so many suggestions about what to do with your talents, and I know there is not time to do it all. But man, you sure should SELL stuff for kids. Masks, trading cards, paper dolls…it would all be so cute!


  6. Thanks DDD – I suffer from not being focused but your encouragement is so nice! I would love to make more of…everything…if you ever have any specific ideas, let me know. Collaboration is good, especially with people that already have kids…

  7. Pancali

    Jani, you’re booked to do my bridal mehndi! Your designs are so beautiful! I love reading your blog. Hope you’re having an amazing time

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